The catalogue that can be explored in this section is the result of a three years' work carried out by the research group at the University of Turin. The software was specially devised by Alicubi s.r.l. to manage a multiuser application, complete with Authority Files for names, music forms, scoring (voices, instruments). Catalogue records were then collected, together with their digital images, on a server made available by Rai Teche IT system. The standard followed refers to the criteria used by SBN Musica, fine-tuned in order to make the resource accessible to non-specialised users. The catalogue contains about 10000 records, including monographs (9900), analytics (757), volumes that are part of a multi-volume work and are without a significant title. The material is mainly manuscript (7283 documents), but it also comprises a considerable number of printed editions (3256).
The index is formed by a selection of the most representative material from a historical and musicological standpoint, and it covers the period from 1928 to 1965. The collections that can be explored are those relative to Orchestra B, rhythmic-symphonic orchestra active in Turin and Rome between 1932 and 1952 (Fondo Orchestra B), to popular music arrangements made during the years of Fascism (Fondo Canzoni popolari), to band music pieces (Fondo Banda), to the repertoire played on the radio during Nazi occupation (Fondo Repertorio Tedesco), to the transcription of chamber music for large ensemble (Fondo Trascrizioni), and to the arrangements for the ensembles conducted by Cinico Angelini, Pippo Barzizza, Ennio Morricone, Bruno Maderna, Lelio Luttazzi, Gorni Kramer.
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